Monday 6 June 2016

Eyes glide down, mine, locked in gaze with the others
Those frozen immobile eyes, happy but dulled to the happiness
Endless endless, a thousand posts
A thousand pictures
A thousand smiles a thousand faces a thousand dreams a thousand thoughts, quelled
By the snap of the camera
And all I see is the sticky, stuck face in the stream of never ending happiness
In a world of never ending sorrow
I am a speck of dust person in a speck of dust era in a speck of dust world in this crumb of a universe.
Cradle me carry me I feel no joy
But I feel no sorrow either.
The light from my laptop has lanced and torn my brain
I feel nothing. I am a shell.
A mere skeleton, a piece of a whole.
A whole that’s just a big empty hole.
We all deserve to be burnt at the stake
Obliterated in a flash
Snuffed out. Gone.
But I can’t go and neither can you. We’re too comfortable, too afraid.
But yet we can never know true fear.
For our ancestors hacked it to pieces and replaced it with mere dull uncertainty.
And uncertainty is what chains us. Because we do not know
What lies ahead, and we must know
For after all we are the human race
What are we good for if not for knowing?
Or at least assuming to know?

Nobody or somebody?
Hunter gatherer or celebrity?
What defines us people?
Destruction or rebuilding?
Or destruction again?
Maybe all we are, are plastic faces in frozen glazed photos
In little plastic worlds like tents
 All pitched within a  magna civilization hanging on by a thread
Balancing precariously
To stay alive.

Constructive criticism is always welcome <3.